The S&NY in RMC

I will take the opportunity to toot my own horn a bit here, and mention that my model version of the S&NY is featured in the May 2024 issue of Railroad Model Craftsman:

It’s always a kick to see the products of one’s labors in print, but I was truly stunned to see one of my photos on the cover! I first received a subscription to RMC as a Christmas present when I was 11 years old, and the December 1972 issue was rolled in my stocking. Had someone told me over half a century ago that one day my railroad would grace the cover, I would have dismissed that as crazy talk, yet here we are…

It was a fun project, though getting acceptable photos of the layout was a bit more work than I expected. Working with RMC editor Otto Vondrak, it was also fascinating to get a glimpse of how the magazine is put together every month, dealing with deadlines, editorial standards, and page space.

Most subscribers will have gotten their issues by now, and retail copies should be available soon if anyone is interested in checking it out.

Now that I’ve got a little experience at this process, sharing future progress on the model S&NY in print might come a bit easier. We’ll see…

4 Thoughts on “The S&NY in RMC

  1. Congratulations!

  2. Jerry Lauchle on May 16, 2024 at 13:30 said:

    Dear Michael,

    I’m with you on seeing one’s photograph on the cover of a national publication! I had that honor for the February 2024 issue. My freelanced model railroad, Galeton & Chestnut Lake RR, also takes place like the S&NYRR, in north-central Pennsylvania. I thoroughly enjoyed your article because I am so very familiar with the places you describe. My mother grew up in Newberry, and my Dad in Montoursville. We lived right next door to Bowser Manufactory on East Jordan Ave. in Montoursville. I fished the Shrader Creek for trout and remember many joyful experiences in that part of the state, including fishing Grays Run. If you are not a member, I encourage you to join the NMRA. Their magazine has many great articles on modeling techniques and you would be a great contributor. The Regional and National NMRA Conventions are great experiences too! I had the honor last year to be the Chair of the Mid-Eastern Region Convention that we held in Altoona (I live in State College).

    Best regards,
    Jerry Lauchle, MMR

    • on May 21, 2024 at 17:43 said:

      Thanks Jerry! Way ahead of you though. I’m the current superintendent of Division 12, MCR. I also attended the MER in Altoona last year and had a great time! Your Scotia ironworks steam shovel model won our Division’s “Shorty Parker Award” at last year’s MCR in Cranberry Twp. outside Pittsburgh. I also enjoyed your clinic on building the associated display very much! I had to leave the convention early though due to the arrival of our 3rd grandchild. Small world,eh?

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