Talky Tuesday #58

Last week’s “WW #86” is a slightly over-exposed view of #119 heading a southbound mixed train, likely Train No. 6. According to S&NY employee timetable No. 47, effective 14 October 1934, No. 6 is due to leave Towanda Washington St. station at 2.05 PM, with an arrival at West Williamsport at 4.35 PM.

The high sun in this view is certainly consistent with a pending early afternoon departure. In the background is bridge across the Susquehanna at (of course) Bridge Street, replaced in 1986 with what is now the Veterans Memorial Bridge at Means Street.

Wordless Wednesday #86

Author's Collection

Author’s Collection

Talky Tuesday #57

After a busy month of work and travel, I am happy to resume posting, and pick up where we left off with a little about “WW #85”.

This photo shows S&NY 4-4-0 #113, site unknown. The #113 was a Baldwin product bought new in 1907, and scrapped in 1934. Per Kaseman, the engine was assigned to passenger runs between West Williamsport (Newberry) and Towanda.

Wordless Wednesday #85

Bob's Photos

Bob’s Photos

Talky Tuesday #56

“WW #84” of two weeks ago is a scene showing #114 prior to rebuilding by the LV. Notation on the back states the location is Powell, PA in February 1938. Compare with this view of #114 after rebuilding: SNY #114.

Wordless Wednesday #84

Bob's Photos

Bob’s Photos

Talky Tuesday #55

The S&NY Newberry enginehouse is brand-new and freshly painted in last week’s “WW #83” . In the background is the car shop, also brand new. The rails have yet to be ballasted, as well. Photo dates from the time of construction of the facilities in Newberry, circa 1906. Contrast with the dilapidated appearance in the recent “WW’s” taken during abandonment some 36 years later.

Wordless Wednesday #83

RRMPA - Bradley-Hahn Collection

RRMPA – Bradley-Hahn Collection

Talky Tuesday #54

“WW #82” of 2 weeks ago is a view of the S&NY Newberry enginehouse, presumably taken after abandonment in 1942. The smokejacks have been removed from the enginehouse, and there is a derelict tender tank off to the right. In the foreground, the “pipes” are probably discarded boiler flues.

Photo courtesy of the Railroad Museum of Pennsylvania.

Op Session #12

Op Session #12 was held on Friday afternoon, 29 July 2016. The session went very well, and the railroad mostly behaved itself after 5 months of inactivity and a major scenery project. Only one or two derailments over the 4 hour session might possibly be due to track or individual pieces rolling stock and these will be investigated prior to the next session. I hope to have more of these weekday sessions in the future in order to accommodate the increasing number of fellows interested in participating in operations on the model S&NY.


Fred L. and Michael C. organize Marsh Hill yard prior to getting the eastbound coal extra on the road.

Fred L. and Michael C. organize Marsh Hill yard prior to getting the eastbound coal extra on the road.


Dave B. waits for clearance to enter Newberry yard, while Tom S. and Bill S. sort thing out.

Dave B. waits for clearance to enter Newberry yard, while Tom S. and Bill S. sort things out.


John W. weighs in on the Newberry yard situation...

John W. weighs in on the Newberry yard situation…


The meeting of the minds continues...

The meeting of the minds continues…


Bill S. says, "Never fear, all is well..."

Bill S. says, “Never fear, everything is under control…”


"Extra 105 West at Wheelerville." A little Photoshop fun.

“Extra 105 West at Wheelerville.” A little Photoshop fun.