Last week’s “WW #154” is a snapshot of a S&NY section crew and their transportation. The “speeder” looks to be a home-built contraption cobbled together from hand-car wheels applied to a Model-T chassis. While probably a pleasant mode of transport to the job site during fair weather, the ride was probably a cold, wet one in inclement weather. On the deck of the trailer we can see a keg of track spikes and a jack of some sort, stacked together with various tools. I cannot identify any of the fellows in the photo; even magnified there is quite a bit a of blur to the faces. The location is also a mystery.
Talky Tuesday #79
Last week’s “WW #121” was also published in Kaseman’s “Story of the Susquehanna & New York“, p.86. In this photo, Steve VanGorder lowers the waterspout at Cold Spring for one of the last times as abandonment reached that location. Charles Kilmer looks on from the tender side.
We are indebted to Mr. VanGorder for taking so many photographs of the S&NY in the late ’30’s and early ’40’s. Most of the photos from Cal’s Classics on this site were taken by him. I have credited Mr. VanGorder where the notes on the back of the photos clearly state he is the original author. Without his photos, this site would not exist; and the past record of the S&NY for the future historian would be that much more incomplete.
Talky Tuesday #66
An unknown S&NY locomotive takes on water in “WW #108” of two weeks ago. Timeframe is likely early spring, given the snow on the ground. The water going into the tank is probably C-O-L-D!
Of interest is the coal of various sizes in the bunker and scattered on the tender deck, including a large portion of “fines”, suggesting this is unsorted “mine run” coal.
I cannot identify the fireman in the photo; perhaps a reader can provide the info.
Talky Tuesday #60
I am unsure of the location of last week’s “WW #88”. My guess is “JK” switch east/north of Ellenton and west/south of Wheelerville. The photo appears to have been taken above ground level, likely from the rear platform of one of the S&NY’s cabooses. #118 is displaying the white flags of an extra, and may have just cut off as a helper from the train the photographer is aboard.
Once the fireman throws the switch in the distance, 118 will probably back downgrade to the wye at Ellenton as a light engine move, turn on the wye, and head back to Marsh Hill.
Lots of great modeling detail and atmosphere in this photo. The weathered ties, the cinder ballast, weeds encroaching on the right of way, the engineer leaning out of the cab watching his fireman walk to the switch while the 118 simmers in the sunshine. In a moment or two, the engineer will whistle off and let the engine drift downgrade through the switch. After the fireman climbs back aboard, he’ll let gravity continue to roll the 118 down to Ellenton. He’ll keep the throttle cracked open just enough to work a little steam and keep the cylinders from getting dry, and the fireman will be able to mostly relax on his seatbox and enjoy the mountain scenery glide by…
Talky Tuesday #59
Last week’s “WW #87” is a nice portrait of the #119, likely at Towanda. The engine looks freshly shopped, possibly from the Lehigh Valley facilities at Sayre. The boiler jacket looks to be painted in an odd color, though this may be a trick of the light and spectral properties of the B&W film used to shoot the photo.
In front of the engine is the head-end crew. I do not know the identity of the fireman on the left. In the center is engineer Eli Chilson, and on the right I believe is brakeman Steve VanGorder.
Talky Tuesday #51
A group of section hands with their speeder took a break and paused for the camera in last week’s “WW #79”.
I am unsure of the location. I believe the man in the center of the photo with his foot on the speeder is named Lyal Bond and the man to the left may be Ed Miller. (See “WW #53” ) I do not know the identities of the other two fellows.
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