Talky Tuesday #38

Last week’s “WW #66” gives us an excellent overview of Wheelerville, PA, probably taken from the rear platform of a caboose on an eastbound train.

There is a wealth of detail for the modeler in this photo, which makes it all the more valuable. To the left, we have an excellent look at the eastern or southern side of the Wheelerville station. Rusting away in the weeds next to the station is an inspection car, likely built from a Ford Model T. This should be an easy project using a Jordan kit and a bit of judicious rust weathering powders. Across the tracks, a phone box and train order signal keep vigil. The passing siding is nearly obscured by weeds in the (presumed) late summer view.

In the background, a large flowerbox decorates the front porch of a home, whose front has the appearance that it might have been a general store in the past. Despite the remote location and small size of the village,  there are at least three pedestrians going about their business on the county road.

All in all, a fascinating little vignette of the past…

4 Thoughts on “Talky Tuesday #38

  1. Norm Hoover on March 22, 2016 at 13:02 said:

    When my ex-wife and I were first married in 1975, we lived for several years in the house on the left. At the time it was owned by her mother, Edith Gochnauer. Her husband, Iven, was the pastor of the small community church in Wheelerville from the early 1960’s to his death in 1974.

    • on March 30, 2016 at 20:53 said:

      Was that house once a general store or something? I ask because the front porch and window arrangement look like it might have been one at one time.

      • Norm Hoover on March 31, 2016 at 16:06 said:

        We have always believed that the house was a store of some kind at some point. Not only from its appearance from the outside, but also from its room layout. It was proberly used as such while the milk station was in operation. Others think it may have been the post office it may have been the post office.

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